Foreclosure means a whole lot of things to a lot of people. For a buyer, it means an opportunity to buy a property at a, hopefully, substantial discount. To a property owner, it means their world has been turned entirely upside down. It’s a major loss and invasion to have someone you don’t know come in and take away the place you call home.
In a majority of foreclosures, one of the homeowners hides it from the spouse. Usually, the partner keeping the secret is the person responsible for paying the bills and is (or feels) responsible for causing the problem and fixing it. This partner may feel like a failure for not properly managing the finances or for overspending, or the person may be using the family finances to support an embarrassing and costly habit.
About the Author: Ralph R. Roberts, GRI, CRS and his team of foreclosure experts regularly assist families facing foreclosure and have authored Foreclosure Self-Defense For Dummies (John Wiley & Sons).
Although we don’t face foreclosure very often here in Murphy and the rest of Cherokee County, it does happen. In fact, I have a great buying opportunity with one of my clients in foreclosure right now. If you’d like more opportunities, email me.
If you’re faced with a financial crisis and would like a consultation on what options and opportunites you have, call us and let us know. We’d be happy to help any way we can.
John and Jessica Poltrock – The POLTROCK TEAM at REMAX of Murphy, NC – Homes and Land in the Mountains of North Carolina – – – Call Toll-Free (877) 837-3002 and demand the POLTROCK TEAM!!!