The bridge is connected! The new section of Highway 64 is finally connected! After sitting at a stand still for months, the construction company was finally allowed to connect the final link of the bridge that goes over the Hiawassee River in Murphy, North Carolina. Although we have some time before the road becomes useable for traffic, progress is being made!
The Hiawassee River is a beautiful river renowned for its clean waters and great fishing. It originates from Lake Hiwassee and flows from Murphy NC to the Mission Dam. After the dam, it continues flow all the way to the Lake Chatuge Dam in Hayesville NC.
The new section of 64 begins in Murphy and will eliminate the need to drive down river road through Peachtree. The new road bypasses all of that and heads in a more direct route and reconnects with the existing 64 just past Peachtree and Murphy Medical Center.
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