Donna and Wayne Complete the Accredited Buyers Representative Course

ABR Designation Class in Murphy Andrews NC
The Poltrock Team is HERE! Wayne Cofer is in the pink shirt and Donna Srabian is on the back row, second from left.

The Accredited Buyer’s Representative course, or ABR, is designed specifically for Realtors who work with home buyers. It is produced by the National Association of Realtors and was sponsored this week by the Mountain Lakes Board of Realtors, which is our local Realtor organization. It’s a great course to make certain real estate agents are on the cutting edge of technology, education, and experience to ensure those who buy real estate have a true professional represent them in the buying process.

What is also great is that not only Donna Srabian and Wayne Cofer of The Poltrock Team at RE/MAX, we also have other RE/MAX agents from Murphy NC! Randy Dockery, Amity Ledford, and Lori Curtis also attend and pass the course.

If you are interested in buying real estate in the mountains of Murphy NC, no one else can provide a better experience than us! Please feel free to Contact Us and let us know what we can do for you! Call or contact us online today! 🙂

The Poltrock Team – REMAX Mountain Properties – Murphy NC – – Call us Toll Free at 1-866-Murphy-NC or 1-866-687-7496 – Murphy’s #1 Real Estate Team

John Poltrock Meets Dave Ramsey

Here I sit at the StarPower 2010 Conference in Nashville TN, and I got to meet the man himself – Dave Ramsey. He spoke last night for roughly 1.5-2 hours and it was a PHENOMENAL speech. He’s a great speaker and although I have heard many of his materials and stories before (I teach Financial Peace University at my church, have been through the course, and often listen to his radio show on my iPod), it was a power delivery that left the crowd laughing and engrossed.

After the course, Randy Dockery and I were the ONLY people able to get our picture with Dave, and you can see us here! 😀

If you are unfamiliar with Dave Ramsey, he changed Jessica and my life financially speaking. We learned things from him we should have already known, but were not doing. We’ve managed to turn the page financially and are much more sound than we’ve ever been. He has helped us help others in our business because we no longer have to stress about money, and when you don’t, you’re able to serve others better and look out for their interests better. Simply put, it makes us a better Realtor, real estate agent, couple, and family.

It’s a privilege to be here, meet Dave Ramsey, and bring back all of the knowledge we’re learning here and help others meet their goals. I love it!

John Poltrock – The Poltrock Team – RE/MAX Mountain Properties – Murphy NC Real Estate – –