Welcome to our new weblog! In a continuing effort to bring better search results for our customers, clients, and friends looking for information on real estate and more in the Murphy area, we decided to go with a company that specializes in blogs! Before, we used GoDaddy, and results were disappointing because it did not make content easy to find.
Now we’re good to go! Content will be easier for you, the user, to find on search engines like Google, Yahoo, MSN, and more. Please feel free to visit us any time at www.iLoveMurphy.com . We also encourage you to SUBSCRIBE to our updates and have them automatically sent to you.
One bad aspect of the switch is that you will find many of our older pictures previous of this post are lost for good. We will attempt to change some, but in most cases it is too cumbersome of an undertaking.
Enjoy and email us if you have any questions.
JohnPoltrock@gmail.com – www.MyMurphy.com – Toll Free (866) 687-7496 – Demand the POLTROCK TEAM!