John Michael – REMAX Mountain Properties – REMAX Real Estate – –
The Wedding of John Snow and Rachel West
See their wedding pictures! Click here for some amazing photography
Scroll down to the bottom and click the “Slideshow” link to see them all
Rates Lowered by the Fed!
This rightfully should spur real estate investment and home purchases. With rates going to an even lower rate, now is a great time to buy! If you’ve been considering looking at real estate in the mountains of North Carolina, visit our website at to see some of the great properties on the market. You can search our listings and search the MLS for both the Northeast Georgia and Mountain Lakes Board of Realtors.
John Michael Poltrock – REMAX Real Estate – Murphy North Carolina, NC – – (877) 837-3002 –
Murphy High School Volleyball School Schedule
Aug. 21 – Tuesday | Rosman | Home | |
Aug. 23 – Thursday | Swain | Away | 2:50 |
Aug. 27 – Monday | Smoky Mountain | Home | |
Aug. 28 – Tuesday | Hiwassee Dam | Home | |
Aug. 30 – Thursday | Andrews | Away | 3:45 |
Sept. 4 – Tuesday | Cherokee | Home | |
Sept. 6 – Thursday | Hayesville | Away | 3:30 |
Sept. 11 – Tuesday | Nantahala | Home | |
Sept. 13 – Thursday | Robbinsville | Home | |
Sept. 18 – Tuesday | Rosman | Away | 12:30 |
Sept. 20 – Thursday | Swain | Home | |
Sept. 25 – Tuesday | Hiwassee Dam | Away | 3:25 |
Sept. 27 – Thursday | Andrews | Home | |
Oct. 1 – Monday | Cherokee | Away | 2:40 |
Oct. 4 – Thursday | Hayesville | Home | |
Oct. 8 – Monday | Smoky Mountain | Away | 2:30 |
Oct. 9 – Tuesday | Nantahala | Away | 3:15 |
Oct. 13, 15-17 | SMC Tournament | TBA | TBA |
Oct. 20 – Saturday | 1st Round of Playoffs | TBA | TBA |
John and Jessica Poltrock – REMAX Mountain Properties – REMAX Real Estate – – Murphy North Carolina, NC – – (877) 837-3002 Disclaimer
This blog is done as a service to our clients and those searching for information on a variety of topics. The information here is deemed reliable but is not guaranteed. Upon entering the site, you accept that we hold no liability in any form for anything located in this blog – whether you have seen/read this post or not. All recommendations, information, and anything else is as accurate as we can make it. We do recommend you do your own research and verify any information herein.
With all that legal mumbo-jumbo out of the way, please enjoy! This blog is here for you to use and for us to transfer the information, thoughts, and experiences in our brain to you. We look forward to helping you and being your resource in the mountains of Murphy, North Carolina!
Please visit our real estate website located at
Where You Can Expect Your Best Return on Investment in Murphy NC Mountain Real Estate
I’ve been working with a couple today who first called me on Lake Homes and Lots then did a total switch up on me. We ended up looking at homes with a great mountain view, and they now have two choices they really like. One in Hibberts Mountain and the other in Indian Rock Springs.
Anyway, I digress before I even get started. In speaking with them, it brought me to a great point which I have been relaying to my customers for some time. There are three types of properties in Murphy that have an exceptional appreciation rate and do well historically. The three types are: 1) Lakefront 2) Mountain View 3) Water front – i.e. creek, branch, and river frontage.
Lakefront – As with many markets all over the U.S., it’s a great investment and property you can enjoy simply by being on the water. Here in our area, there’s several differently lakes to enjoy. Lake Hiwassee (you’ll see some misspellings, Hiawassee is a common one), Appalachia, Lake Chatuge, Blue Ridge, Nottley, Nantahala, and Santeelah are some of the the lakes people enjoy here in the North Carolina Mountains. I’ll go more in depth on some of these in a later blog.
Mountain View – Just like the quality of anything you can buy, mountain views vary. You could have a little glimpse of a mountain or one where someone else’s trees could grow and block your view. The best views are generally considered multiple layers of mountains where you control the views – in other words, you can cut trees or whatever is in your way because you own the property in front of you where the trees could grow up. Close up mountains are also great, depending on the ridge line and other factors.
Water Front – Think varying ranges of moving water here. A "branch" is the smallest, usually considered to be 4-6 inches at most. Over 4-6" would be considered a creek and can get several feet wide. Rivers are, well, rivers. In Murphy, we have three main rivers: Hiwassee, Nottley, and Valley. All of which are beautiful and quite clean and clear water.
These are great investments for the long term and in some cases, the short term. It’s quite common to see double digit returns on these properties (annually). If you love the water or mountain views, fear not! Your purchase today can lead to a lifetime of enjoyment, or at the least, a better return on your money than you can find in any CD.
John Poltrock, CRS – Call Toll Free 1-866-687-7496 to make your real estate investments – – – The POLTROCK TEAM at RE/MAX Mountain Properties in Murphy, NC
We need YOUR help naming our Building!
Good evening all! We have been mulling over what to name our new office building, and we can’t figure out! Perhaps you can help by telling the name of an office complex you have seen or by making up a new one. Here’s a few facts that might help you come up with a name:
-3 stories, 6,000 sq. feet on each level
-RE/MAX will be on the second floor (sorry, one rule is that RE/MAX can’t be in the name)
-It’s a professional building – the 1st floor/basement is rental space and stores. The third floor is partially ours, but mostly going to be rented out to builders and other professionals (individual offices)
-it’s designed with A LOT of stacked rock, a beige colored stucco, and looks REALLY sharp
-it’s on highway 64 West in Murphy, North Carolina (Cherokee County)
-It’s either the largest or really close to the largest professional building in the county
Please feel free to ask me any questions – I’ll be watching this post carefully. We need to name it ASAP and haven’t got a name we like.
Our building has been named Cornerstone, and you can find Directions to Cornerstone and RE/MAX Mountain Properties in Murphy NC Here
Solve Your Computer Back-up Problems Effectively and CHEAPLY!
If you have the same problems I had with computer back-up, this is for you. I bought a 100 gig hard drive to backup all my client folders, pictures, music, and everything-else-known-to-man. The only problem is to protect the drive, I had to always keep it disconnected from power and my laptop. Then I had to go through the hastle of reconnecting it, transferring everything over, and then disconnecting it when I was done.
No more! For less than the cost of a back-up drive, you can back up your computer AUTOMATICALLY and securely using an online service. Merely tell it what drive(s) you want to back up, and it will do the rest for you all the time. There’s no space limit whatsoever. My back up is over 21 gigs and there are no complaints from them.
Check it out – it’s well worth the investigation and the money because you never know when your computer will takes its last breath.
Use this link to download a free 15-day trial subscription to Carbonite, and get an extra free month of service when you buy: